
Industrial Vacuum Cleaners
The BVC product range from Quirepace provides a solution for every Vacuum application throughout industry. BVC machines are extremely robustly built and offer true industrial quality.

Centralised Vacuum Cleaning Systems
Fixed CVC installations provide high performance product recovery wherever it is required. Each system is specifically designed for the particular application.

Exhausters & Blowers
The BVC product range of exhausters and blowers combine performance and reliability. When high performance air is required, there is a BVC product that can provide the solution.

Pneumatic Tube Systems
Pneumatic Tube Systems are the optimum transportation solution for all small payloads up to 5kg

Automated Guided Vehicles
In collaboration with our partners, Quirepace offer a wide range of AGV solutions to Industry

Electric Track Vehicles
Electric Track Vehicles provide both horizontal and vertical transport for payloads up to 40kg