

The Crossrail project under London is the largest civil engineering project in Europe. We are proud to say that our BVC model TI80 15kW vacuum cleaner plays an important part of this process.


A concrete base is layed onto the track, before the concrete sets they then spray the surface with a specialised chemical, this prevents the top 5mm of the surface from setting. Once the concrete is set the surface is diluted and remained soft by pressure washing. Then they start removing the concrete slurry with the TI80 collecting it into a 45 gallon drum via a cyclone head.

The picture shows the surface before and after using the vacuum. The purpose of the exercise is to leave a rough surface to allow a second layer of special sound absorbing concrete to key to the base.

The TI80 is part of the CENTURION range of 3 phase heavy duty BVC vacuum cleaners (from 4kW to 15kW) that are designed to collect large amounts of debris, yet are still manoeuvrable.
